
Dependent Independence

Dependent independence,
community yin yang,
creating elegant balance
within limits of freedom
a symbiotic synergy

Clarity of vision,
depth of understanding,
harbingers of wisdom -
inspiration, tradition
intuition and reason.

Our own two eyes
might discern, with a wide,
and stereo view,
observing vast relations
within a single glance.

But a one-eyed lens,
of particular sight,
focuses on a single point,
bound to one time and one place
“the king is in the counting house”

Creative expression,
serving fickle sentiment
of the malleable mobs,
becomes propaganda’s weapon,
vague idealism’s toy.

It is only right that
independence be preserved.
The price of its sustenance -
wise and dignified expression,
or death in a prison of desire.

Am I faithful to my duty,
to be true to my own voice
and clear in my vision,
or am I choosing sides,
adding fuel to a fire.

Conflict and contention,
can ignite raging flames,
contesting win or lose,
champions ‘til we’re not,
fighting danger games.

In all our naked glory


Overcoming injustice,
day by day, makes sense;
elevating one success to
eternal ideal is fool’s play:
today and tomorrow are not yesterday.

Racism’s lesson:
power’s superstition,
nurtured by division,
supported by conflict,
contended with ignorance,
acronym and slogan.

When one ideology
has unbridled freedom,
articulate expression
is imagined, in silence,
and we piece all the pieces
together after-the-fact.

We could look to justice,
and see with our own eyes,
leave childhood behind,
refine the city of the heart,
gain our independence
in mutual dependence

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